Performance Assessment – Collaboration

Learn to Collaborate Communication breakdown is not unique to IT. Somehow, most IT organizations create towers. Maybe this happens to reduce the number of status meeting or to allow for a tree-shaped management chain. When leadership creates these separate teams, the intention is not to prevent the individual contributors from collaborating and working efficiently, but… Continue reading Performance Assessment – Collaboration

Ultrafast Server Side Performance Optimization

When your solution is too slow to meet your business objectives you need to optimize it. This post is primarily based on a recent optimization project we did using AppDynamics to improve their solution. I will note that there were a few browser side optimizations that we did as well, but they were found quickly… Continue reading Ultrafast Server Side Performance Optimization

Documenting Complex Enterprise Apps

Many of the enterprise systems we encounter are very complex. Unfortunately, the IT teams that develop and support these solutions will oftentimes have inaccurate documentation to show all of the elements. The design of the software is handled by one organization whereas the actual implementation onto the underlying components end up within other teams such… Continue reading Documenting Complex Enterprise Apps

Winning the Performance Race

From experience running benchmarks, I can tell you that in order to win them, you must have the full run of the servers, settings and the code. However, this is not the typical case in any large enterprise solution operating in the ‘real’ world. How can you achieve inclusive buy in on performance from your… Continue reading Winning the Performance Race