Data Quality as an Initiative

If your business is capturing or coordinating persistent data as a primary function then it behooves you to create a data quality initiative that improves your Test Data Management (TDM). There are common opportunities in the way that IT organizations manage, coordinate and execute their processes around test data. The actual data are not securely… Continue reading Data Quality as an Initiative

More on Test Coverage

As promised here is my continuing post on Test Coverage. More on Test Coverage… Last post, I wrote about how developers can evaluate their code coverage and overall code quality using their development tools. This post covers how the test team becomes involved more directly. Specifically we will focus on. Test coverage workflow Test case… Continue reading More on Test Coverage

Choosing a Testing/Requirements Tool – from a tester/user perspective

Practice what you preach. As a tester it is easy to review someone else’s requirements and find issues but what if you’re forced to create your own requirements? I was asked to put in requirements for a test data management tool and then a lot of things started to go through my mind. What functions… Continue reading Choosing a Testing/Requirements Tool – from a tester/user perspective

A Pragmatic Approach to Test Coverage

I like models and I love automation on top of them. Software development in almost any form requires a logical model and an implementation in code. The best developers can find the re-usable patterns or code within a complex system to minimize their work. Functional testing gurus also use this pattern for success. Anti-Patterns for… Continue reading A Pragmatic Approach to Test Coverage

Zombie Test Cases – How They Cost Organizations

The chilling reality is, old test cases never die, they cluster, clutter and disrupt testing and development indefinitely. But why? Because no one can be confident that the old test cases aren’t necessary, no one wants to cull a case when it isn’t clear if it tests a vital piece of functionality or not, so… Continue reading Zombie Test Cases – How They Cost Organizations

Test Case Calamity

One question. Do you manually create your test cases? If the answer is yes, you might want to turn away now as our research has turned up some pretty ugly conclusions. We looked at a large multi-national financial services company and a number of examples of how their development teams approached test case design. As… Continue reading Test Case Calamity

I need a TDM team, but how do I staff it?

My name is Jessica Toton. I’m a senior consultant at Orasi Software. The first six years of my career, I was a PL/SQL developer for custom Oracle projects. Over the last 7 years, I’ve been leading Oracle Development and Test Data Management teams. I’ve been a consultant for the last 8 years and have worked… Continue reading I need a TDM team, but how do I staff it?